8mm, super8 and 16mm films, unbox your past and relive life’s happy moments today.
At i-Ken Video Production Services LLC we know your old movie films are irreplaceable. And that you might be afraid to just send them away in some box.
Rest assured, i-Ken Video Production Services LLC is different. We are 100% transparent. Yes, truly transparent, and our true scan HD-2k film process is focused on quality. i-Ken Video Production Services LLC is flexible too. Perhaps you want your films edited in a certain order, special titles or music, maybe even narrate your films? The possibilities are endless at i-Ken Video Production services LLC.
The process is simple;
It all starts when you bring in all your old movie films and our team will give you an estimate. We will also give you a tour and explain the full process to you and discuss your project goals in detail.
Next is the cleaning and restoration of your old movie films. A film transfer technician will inspect, clean and lubricate your films for transfer. Any bad splices will be fixed at this time.
Following restoration is the True Scan HD-2k transfer. Your films will be transferred frame by frame by utilizing the latest in advanced HD/2k frame by frame scanners developed for the motion picture academy. This process takes a single hi-res, full frame picture of each film frame. This is a very specialized process that yields stunning quality.
Next is the final assemble and editing of your movie films. This is the point when our technicians take full hands on control of your films final look and order. They will adjust colors to help severely faded or tinted films look more lifelike. They’ll insure the frame rate is correct and utilize grain levels where possible. Once everything is just right they will output your final file to either DVD, Blu-ray, or a digital file.